The Latter-day Saints are Modern Israel (and are Wandering in the Wilderness)

One of the objectives of “The Voice of the Seventh Angel” is: Revealing the true and signal position of the people known as Latter-Day Saints. Their covenant, fall and restoration; their real character, work and wonderful destiny, also the identity, work and destiny of all nations.

The following are excerpts from the book.

Revealing the true and signal position of the people known as Latter-Day Saints. Their covenant, fall and restoration

Who are the covenant people of the Lord spoken of in holy scripture? They are the children of Israel.

Who are the people called Latter-Day-Saints, or Mormons? They are the covenant people of the Lord, or the children of Israel, who have been gathered and redeemed from their dispersed and scattered condition among all nations.

When did the Lord begin to fulfill the covenant made to his people and recorded by the prophets, that he would gather them out from the nations whithersoever they had been driven and set them in their own land? April 6th, 1830.

What land is here spoken of? The land of America, this is our Fatherland, the land where Adam dwelt, where once bloomed the garden of Eden, the land to which the Great Prince, even Michael has come to deliver his people.

Why were the covenant people again driven (after being gathered to their own land) by their enemies from place to place until they reached the Rocky Mountains? Because they did not keep their covenant of April 6th 1830 and also because their enemies hated the truth and enlisted under the spirit of destruction, that they might fill up their cup of wickedness and be destroyed.

Why were the people of the Saints left without a Prophet, Seer and Revelator? Because they did not keep and observe all his words as from the mouth of God.

Who is the one spoken of by Paul who should be taken away, that the man of sin or the wicked one might be revealed, previous to the second coming of Christ? It was Joseph Smith.

When was the great falling away to take place, spoken of by Paul? After the restoration of the gospel with all the privileges thereof in 1830—the gathering of Israel from the nations of the earth to the land of America, and before the second coming of Christ.

When did the great falling away begin, or when was it made manifest that the church had already entered into a condition of this great apostasy? September 22nd and 23rd, 1832.

How did this great apostasy become manifest? By treating lightly the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments.

How long was this condition or the great falling away to continue? Until they should remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments, otherwise until the coming of the Son of Man.

Who were the children of Israel whom Moses brought out of Egypt by the outstretched arm of God? The covenant people of the Lord.

Who are the people of the Latter-Day Saints? The covenant people of the Lord.

Then are there two chosen peoples? No, they are the same people.

Then if God’s chosen people of ancient days are identical with the people of the Latter-Day Saints, is not the doctrine of Reincarnation a true principal? Yes, it cannot be otherwise.

Why cannot the children be made perfect without the fathers, and the fathers without the children? Because this perfection cannot be attained without continued life and experience; and this eternal law of Reincarnation gives the necessary opportunity to become perfect as our Father is perfect.

What are we to understand by the words— “Instead of the fathers shall be the children?” We are to understand that the fathers decrease according to the flesh, and live again in the children according to the spirit.

How is this brought about? By the principle of Reincarnation by which the fathers become the children and the children become the fathers.

How is this accomplished? By the fathers returning to birth. This beautiful order of Reincarnation, or restoration, or reproduction, places all mankind in a condition on the earth, in accordance with their previous life; whether good or evil, and gives a further opportunity to obtain knowledge.

Then this law, the re-birth of man is indispensable in his salvation? Yes, because it gives him a full and perfect opportunity to be saved.

What do we understand by the valley of dry bones? They are the whole house of Israel in their gathered condition in their own land.

What is meant by the Lord God opening their graves and causing them to come up out of their graves? It means that the Lord God will open the way for his people to come out from among the heathen nations whither they had been driven at the destruction of Jerusalem.

The graves spoken of are the bands or barriers which hold them in their scattered condition. Have these barriers yet been removed and are these bones or people yet distinguished by being gathered in a certain valley? Yes, the people of the Latter-day Saints are the identical bones of Israel, and both the ancient and modern covenant people of the Lord.

Then Salt Lake valley is the valley spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel? Yes.

Then the children of Israel are resurrected out of their graves from among the nations?—Yes. They have listened to the call of God—“Come out of here my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

But the prophet says these bones have not any breath or life in them and the son of man is commanded to prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones. Behold I will cause breath to come into you and ye shall live.

What are we to understand by these words? We are to understand that although they are gathered out from Babylon by the voice of the Lord God, still they have not been permitted to dwell in their own land, but were driven to this great open valley. The secret chamber of the Most High. There to await the coming of the Son of Man with power and authority to restore them to their privileges (which they had lost through transgression while in Missouri and Illinois) and to teach them the way the only way of deliverance from their enemies; if they will listen to his voice.

Today (1887) this people have no breath in them, but are spiritually dead. They are cut off from their parts, or rights and privileges by the United States power. Their leader, their prophet, seer, and revelator like a hireling shepherd fleeth away or hideth himself, when he seeth the wolf coming upon the flock, and beyond the reach of ravening wolves he moves while his sheep are devoured. And the bones of Israel begin to feel that there is something wrong and they will ere long say our bones are dry and our hope is lost.

Who is to restore this lost hope and give them breath and life and power? He who was taken out of their midst in 1844 will accomplish this in his resurrected condition, in the character of the Son of Man. He will set them upon their feet an exceeding great army, bright as the sun, clear as the moon and terrible to all nations.

Then what priesthood governs this people, the covenant people of the Lord in Salt Lake Valley, while they are under the power of their enemies; cut off from their rights and privileges as is the case at the present time? The priesthood of Aaron; this priesthood was to remain with them or on the earth until the Sons of Levi should offer an offering in righteousness.

But do not this people profess to handle the holy priesthood? Yes, but they do not hold any power belonging to that order, hence they confer the office only; without any power to act in, or to accomplish the work belonging to that office.

What are we to understand by the invitation given to the house of Jacob—Come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord, yea, come for ye have all gone astray, every one to his own wicked ways? We are to understand that they are the children of Israel who have been gathered from the nations of the earth to the land of America, or in other words all they who received the message of the Prophet Joseph Smith, but afterward treated lightly the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments, fell into darkness and were finally driven to the Rocky Mountains, (spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah) hence the invitation: Come ye and let us walk in the light.

Then the subjects of this invitation are the people of the Latter-Day Saints or the covenant people of the Lord? Yes. He who called them from the nations, now invites them to come and walk in the light of the Lord.

What are we to understand by the Lord forsaking his people the house of Jacob. When and how was it accomplished? In 1844. By taking Joseph out of their midst and with him the holy priesthood—for they would not walk in his ways, nor keep his commandments, yes, in 1844, the shepherd was smitten and the sheep were scattered. They then entered the wilderness of darkness and confusion. The heavens were closed upon them. The sun is clothed in sackcloth. Joseph is gone from their view. The moon or the church is turned into blood. The Church of the First Born is taken to the bosom of God.

The people are not only left without the sun, or shepherd, or prophet, but the moon or church is gone and terminates in blood, and the stars or the twelve apostles fall from heaven, and leave their position in which God had placed them, to rule the night of spiritual darkness which has closed in upon them, and instead of reflecting light; they made the darkness greater and became the rulers of this great eclipse, or falling away of the latter days.

Truly indeed was the sun turned into sackcloth; and the moon into blood, and the stars fallen from heaven. Then the people of the Latter-day Saints entered a condition of Spiritual night—or the cloudy and dark day.

For additional context, read the book “The Voice of the Seventh Angel”.